Mag Monitors Delivery Information Details
We can ship to you our products no matter which country you are from, Here are the criteria that we have followed on customer shipment:
- We offer cash on delivery in some of the counties specially our official distributor countries.
- Customers have to pay delivery charges in advance always
- Customer will borrow the full delivery charge whether it will be an international or national delivery
- Domestic delivery may take 1-7 days time it depends on the country to country and international delivery time is 15-30 days.
- If stock is finished for specific model products in our factory our contact team may cancel customer orders at any time.
- EMI is not available on international cards.
- Our delivery man cannot go home and set up they can only deliver in front of customer house or shop.
- The customer can unbox the product and front of the delivery man and can check as much as he wants by calling the delivery department number
Mag Monitors
Best Quality Competitive price.